Sunday, October 4, 2015

Is It Time For Gun Regulation?

On October 4, 2015 The Dallas Morning News posted an article called, “Why do we keep allowing crazy people to have guns?” In his discussion about the current state of gun control, Tod Robberson addresses the issue politicians have in decisively approving any gun regulations. Throughout the whole article, Tod Robberson shows liberal political views because he seeks to find equality and peace through gun regulations and inhibitions. Because of his views, Robberson’s article appeals mainly to other liberals and gun control supporters.
The author uses a combination pathos and logos appeal to persuade his intended audience. Pathos is used in the introduction of Tod Robberson’s article in order to guide readers to sympathize for mass shootings. This article was strategically posted to follow up the recent Umpqua Community College shooting to effectively support gun control. Politicians have been debating gun control over the past few years, and because this shooting took place, gun control advocates can use the Oregon shooting event and the author’s thoughts as leverage to debate over the government’s inability to control gun violence. After appealing to his audience in human and sympathetic terms, the author uses logos to effectively persuade the readers. Facts, diagrams, and maps are used in the article to highlight how the United States conservative view on guns is correlated to the highest homicide rates by firearms compared to other nations. All data obtained by Robberson is from valid and credible sources which ensure readers that Tod Robberson discussions may speak some truth. Overall, as a person who believes in freedom to possess guns, Robberson’s appeals made me understand and support tweaks in gun regulation.
Looking over other articles post by Tod Robberson, the author is shown to be a person who effectively gather facts and develops his ideas to persuade his audience. As an editorial writer for the Dallas Morning News, Tod Robberson is definitely a credible source people can refer to when making political decisions.

(A picture of a map from Mass shooting tracker indicating places in America where mass shootings have taken place in 2015.)

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